The Couple


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Getting Back On Track

... or not. =)

Ever since we got the 2bu! prizes, we've been on a tear as to how to maximize them. Since some of them were about to expire, they had to be disposed of asap. And dispose them is what we did for the past week.

Tuesday, March 7

After office, I rushed towards Haagen Dazs in Glorietta to claim our petite cakes. Good thing that the attendant asked if I wanted to purchase extra dry ice. In anticipation of the traffic and travel towards LRT where I would meet Dionne, with Irish and Francis, I asked for an additional 30 minutes worth.

Inside those boxes were two delicious ice cream cakes... We ate half of the belgian choco cake for merienda.

Before 7PM, we were on our way to SM San Lazaro to meet Aggie and Glo. We first met Glo at Starbucks and were treated to a multimedia experience care of DIY queen Glo. Minutes after preggie Aggie arrived, we had dinner at Congo Grille, where Dionne and I had Congo Rice and Lenchon Kawali. Unfortunately, we forgot to take pictures of the food... We did get this:

Karen, Glo's cousin, was on my left, while our takeout is in the plastic bag beside Aggie. =)

We had to end the night early because we still had work the next day. "Early" for us, but it was already closing time for the mall! =P

It's always nice to meet our friends from WeddingsAtWork. Even though we've only met once or twice, it's like we've known each other far longer than that... Glo was set to get back to Boston last weekend. While Aggie is only a few months away from having her 2nd baby. Good luck to you both. Until we meet again!

Thursday, March 9

Again care of 2bu!.. We had dinner at Hotel Philippine Plaza. This has got to be one of our best dinners ever! There was even a cultural show! Dionne was kind of disappointed because they featured Hawaiian culture... She asks, why not feature the Philippine culture instead? It would have been great promoting our culture as most of the guests there were foreigners. Anyway, here are some pics:

Maybe I should've shutterflied them instead... Nuninu. =P

Friday, March 10

Another date courtesy of (who else?) 2bu! This time, it's lunch at Max Brenner. Sarap! =)

Later that night, Dionne's office, FSI, had a bowling tournament at the Bowling Inn at Taft Avenue near Quirino Avenue. Dionne was unbelievable in the first game, having scored 180! Imagine that! All the time, she was insisting that she didn't know how to play... Things went the opposite direction on her second game. She finished with just 60+ points. Apparently, endurance plays a big role in this game. Hehe!

Saturday, March 11

A very tiring day... Dionne was scheduled to have her 2nd fitting with Tet Hagape. We also brought one of our flower girls, Angel Nicole, to be measured. Angel got tired because of the numerous transfers and fell asleep on the LRT2 on our way to Gateway Mall... After the fitting, a realization dawned on us. We need to go on a diet once again. Nuninu.

That afternoon, we dropped by UST to get our marriage banns. Saturday... 3PM... Hmm... Could there be a wedding? Yes, there was!

Less than 3 months to go... ;)

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At 3/14/2006 2:23 AM, Blogger Faye said...

kainggit naman kayo! katuwa rin kasi you've already met glo and aggie. lapit nyo na. take care guys!

At 3/15/2006 10:44 AM, Blogger Mec said...

hay naku, i miss meeting up with w@wie friends na nga din eh... miss the preps too :) pero since i have w2wie friends who are all also married na, pare-pareho din naman kami ng concerns... and we fill each other's inboxes na lang :D

3 months na lang sis :)

At 3/22/2006 7:40 PM, Blogger Pajammy said...

i'm so so so glad you guys are enjoying the prizes :)

congratulations again!!

At 3/24/2006 9:10 AM, Blogger dionne said...

hi faye! sayang nga we were't able to meet when you were here. there will be other opportunities naman eh. =)

hi mec! lapit na din ako gumradweyt. hehe!

hi pam! thanks for the visit. we're really enjoying it a lot. =D


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