The Couple


Friday, May 12, 2006

'Tis the season to be married

Sitting at the office, I couldn't make up my mind as to what to do first. Should I continue spec-ing the projects I'm working on? Should I start studying a new programming language? Should I start drafting the material I'll be using for an in-house tutorial?

Too many things to do. And yet, I'm not working on any of them. It may be because it's Friday and I'm just too lazy and unfocused to work on anything right now. Hehe.

One thing that crept into my mind while I was doing #1 a while ago was that, this year, a lot of my friends got married or are planning to. Most of us are in the late 20's age range. Could this have something to do with it? Maybe that's why a certain mid-20's friend isn't even contemplating on this yet. Or so he says.

Just 29 days to go until our big day. We got our invitations last Tuesday. I already mailed some of them last Wednesday. Later today, I'll pick up the cards from the Powerbooks bridal registry. We hope to finish printing the labels over the weekend.

But before the weekend, I'm going to a secret stag party for a friend who's getting married 6 days before us. I will take pictures. I'm not sure if I can post them here though. =P

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At 5/12/2006 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

advance happy bday jovs! its friday... wala ng nagtratrabaho pag friday (at least pretend that you are working diba?) hehehe...

At 5/16/2006 3:34 PM, Blogger joven said...

thanks maco. =)


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