The Couple


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fatness First

Last Sunday, we went to our usual mass at Lourdes. Interestingly enough, there was a free body fat percentage test being offered near the entrance. At first, we just passed by the counter. But since we were still early for the 10AM mass, I decided to give it a try. It'll be my "starting point" since I'm now back at the gym.

To my surprise (and the attendants' as well), the weighing scale was pointing to 220 lbs... What, 220?? Weird. When I got back from vacation, I weighed myself at the gym. I distinctly remember that it was "only" 214, plus 8 from before I went on vacation. It could be because I was only wearing a shirt and shorts then, whereas at the church, I wore pants, sandals, and my pockets were full. That, I think, could attribute to the 6 unaccounted pounds. =P

Back to the body fat test... I knew all along that it was a gimmick to promote their dieting products, which I didn't really mind. As long as they don't force it on the consumer. They had this device which you had to hold up vertically while your feet are a foot apart while squeezing the middle portion of the device with your thumbs. Just goes to show how accurate the measurements are going to be... Hehe.

The result? 24.1 %.

Yup, almost a quarter of my body is fat.

Their assessment is that I'm at the "warning" level of fatness, a few points shy of "high risk", which would be 25 % and above.

Whew! =)

I know... I better start burning these. Let's see how the measurements come up in the next month. ;)



At 7/06/2006 9:16 AM, Blogger benj said...

ika nga ni cartman... "you can reach your goal, i'm living proof. beefcake! BEEFCAKE!"

hehehe... :)

At 7/06/2006 11:15 AM, Blogger brymac said...

I've been hearing that Whole Grain products are the bomb :D


At 7/06/2006 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my gulay..i need to have that test baka mamaya 75% ng body ko goodness! ehhehe


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